Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to Say No to Low Libido

How to Say  No to Low Libido

You know the scene. You’ve set the ambiance. The candles are lit. The music is playing softly in the background. You’ve been planning this Saturday night all week and now that the time has come that you have been waiting for, you are definitely no longer in the mood. It’s been a long week. The demands on you have just been coming at you one at a time until by the day your special planned night has come along, you are so just no longer even slightly interested in keeping your promise to your man. You know he will be disappointed and you are certainly not looking forward to breaking the news that you would much rather put on your comfy jammies and just crawl under the duvet and turn on a mindless romantic comedy. Nothing is further from your radar that a night under the sheets that doesn’t involve sleeping. The thought of creating enough energy to throw in a TV dinner is about all you can handle never mind a night of hours of sexual pleasure that will surely zap any tiny bit of energy you have left.
But what if there was a small tube of gel that would guarantee to turn that lack of libido right around to make you want to rip your man’s clothes off the minute he walks into the door tonight? What if there was a natural, non evasive, completely safe product that would turn a lifeless, frustrating night for both your man and you, into a night of passion, where you couldn’t get enough of him, where you are so turned on you’ll do just about anything to get your man into bed? What if you’re so turned on you gladly forgo your favorite late night sitcom in place of a romp in the sheets that will guarantee both of you a night you’ll never forget?
Well the answer is just a simple click away. Hersolution Gel is a female enhancement product that is guaranteed to increase your libido. It does this by improving the blood flow and dilation of the blood vessels which then improves sexual sensations. Imagine just a small drop of this gel that has been designed with just a woman’s body in mind will make you feel young and vibrate again. Any previous thoughts of just crawling alone under the covers will be banished from your mind and instantly you will soon be rethinking your evening once again. You will be replanning that special night with your lover. You will relight the candles, reset the stereo, and putting on your sexiest negligee. Your man will be pleasantly surprised and the seemingly younger and more vibrant woman that you will instantly become. You’ll feel like a million dollars and instead of dreading the disappointment that could have happened, you’ll be planning the next special night you can have with your man. What are you waiting for? Check out Hersolution Gel now and get set to wow your man!
For more information, go to

How to correct 3 Common Mistakes Trying To Start A Woman's Sexual Motor

How to correct 3 Common Mistakes Trying To Start A Woman's Sexual Motor

It’s Not In Your Looks

You can have a perfect forehead, chin, smile, and even a perfect pair of dimples but none of these will start a woman’s sexual motor. You can work out at the gym all week long, week after week and look like Mr. Atlas, but you aren’t going to start a woman’s sexual motor with your muscles.

Granted, you might get her attention for a brief moment – just like any other kind of abnormality she might notice would get her attention – but your looks won’t turn her sexual motor on. Why? Once a woman decides to enter into a relationship, looks no longer matter to her – if they ever mattered to her at all.

Now, I’m not dismissing the necessity for neatness, trimness, and cleanliness. These are things a woman expects of a man. But, they are not what start her sexual motor.

It’s Not In What You Have

You can wave big wads of cash around. You can wear Armani suits. You can wear a Rolex. You can drive a super expensive car. You can flaunt any other material possessions in front of a woman and you simply aren’t going to turn her on. (As obvious as this may seem, there are men worldwide trying to capture a woman’s attention by means of their possessions.)

The danger with this approach is that you may trigger her “greed factor” such that she is attracted to you in terms of what she can “get” from you. But, because she’s not being true to herself, sex will be something she despises. This phenomenon can easily be seen in “marriages” where an attractive young woman is married to an old and wealthy man. Both the man and the woman know that the marriage is based on purely selfish motives and nobody’s sexual motor has ever been started based on selfishness.

It’s Not Your Social Status

Many men mistakenly believe that if they were in a position of prominence, or if they were a celebrity, or if they held some kind of high-profile social rank, that they would then be able to start a woman’s sexual motor.

And in fact, there are cases where a woman is attracted to a high social status man simply for the attention and prestige that being affiliated with such a man will bring to her.

But once again, this kind of a relationship is founded on shallow and hollow premises. And, as it has been proven again and again, the very thing the woman was attracted to will soon become the thing she despises the most. And when a woman despises, her sexual motor is definitely turned off.

The number of women throughout history who have left high-profile men in favor of a “no-name” man is incalculable. In fact, the tabloid magazines show us this phenomenon on a regular basis – where some starlet has dumped the celebrity she has been dating and is now dating some unknown man who is just short of being down-right ugly. Why would women do this? Because the “no-name” guy clearly knows how to start her sexual motor while the prominent guy did not.